Their online store,, is the perfect place to shop for their carefully roasted beans, which are available to purchase in both single origins and blends. Their extensive range of coffee options includes beans from all over the world, including popular regions like Ethiopia, Colombia, and Brazil.
Not just content with providing great coffee, CUPS HONGKONG also offers a comprehensive coffee brewing training course, enabling coffee lovers to get the most out of their beans. They also sell a variety of brewing equipment, including coffee makers, grinders, and more.
So whether you're a coffee aficionado, a brewing novice or somewhere in between, CUPS HONGKONG is the ideal place to get the most delicious and ethically-sourced coffee beans alongside the training and equipment needed to perfect your brew.
CUPS HONGKONG 成立於 2021 年,致力於為消費者提供高品質、新鮮的咖啡豆的咖啡烘焙店。其咖啡豆均來自於全球特級或專業銷售商,從採購到烘焙都堅持嚴格的品質標準,提供最好的咖啡豆給消費者。
CUPS HONGKONG 烘焙的咖啡豆採用先進的烘焙方式,以確保咖啡豆的風味和香氣得到充分發揮。提供多種咖啡豆選擇,包括來自哥倫比亞、巴西、衣索比亞等國家的單品豆及拼配豆。每種咖啡豆都有其獨特的口感和風味並能滿足不同人士對於咖啡豆的要求。
除了咖啡豆的品質之外,CUPS HONGKONG 也盡展現專業和創意,客製化屬於你的回禮小禮物。他們將以當地的創意和現代文化相結合,為您打造最獨特的咖啡及咖啡禮品。此外,他們還提供咖啡師課程和咖啡品評課程,讓更多人了解和欣賞咖啡文化。
總體而言,CUPS HONGKONG 致力於咖啡豆品質的烘焙公司,以卓越的品質和自家的客製化服務,賦予更多人品嘗一杯正宗的咖啡文化。
創辦人黃永健 - 全職培訓導師,鑽研咖啡沖煮技術及咖啡烘焙,於 2020 年成為 SCA Specialty Coffee Association (SCA ID: LGA09B7)會員並考取咖啡師資格。有多年教授咖啡沖煮經驗,
曾獲邀 HK01 及熱血時報擔任專欄作家及接受專訪。
於2021 年開辦【咖啡師個FRIEND】專頁,內容以咖啡工具評測到沖煮心得分享。最受讀者歡迎的咖啡沖煮教學,咖啡特飲食譜,曾多次獲得轉載及好評。更提供咖啡豆品嚐計劃,於各大咖啡出口國搜羅精品咖啡豆,並於2022年自設咖啡豆烘焙工場,提供最新鮮咖啡豆及咖啡產品。